Thursday, March 4, 2010

I know... It's been 7 months!!!

Well I thought I would attempt to get a post in considering the fact I haven't done so in 7 months. Wow... does time fly or what?! We are enjoying our time with Briley so much that it does not seem like a year has gone by. Looking back on these months... I am realizing how much our angel has changed. Over the past year, her personality has really grown. She has developed into an amazingly sweet, totally lovable, always cheerful little girl!!! Her smiling face just makes your heart melt!! Seeing her experience all her firsts is extremely rewarding to Jeremy and I! Briley has mastered crawling, saying "Mama" & "Dada," waving Bye Bye, and here recently taking her first steps! Yes, she is walking... as a matter of fact... she wants to walk EVERYWHERE and if you don't let her, her Prissy self throws witty bitty fits--Well not so little fits but tantrums... loud, screaming tantrums! As of right now.. I think the tantrums are cute :) Briley's loves are: bananas, milk, reading books, bubble baths, green beans, walking behind her stroller, riding in her pink car, playing in her room with her Mommy & Daddy before bed, grilled cheeses, peanut butter/jelly sandwiches, apple butter, and here recently--potato salad!!
As for her first Christmas... well, she loved getting her new toys but could care less that Mommy took all that time to very neatly wrap each and every one of her gifts. She had no desire in opening her presents. Note to self: next year there will be NO wrapping paper involved. Now for her 1st birthday... Can we say OVERBOARD!! I must admit, Alyssa and I had too much fun planning and decorating for her party. Her day was perfect and could not have gone any better. Seeing Briley surrounded by people who love her so much was worth every penny. As I sit here and type all this to you, I am realizing the importance of cherishing each and every moment with our daughter!!! Time is flying by way to fast not too. Hope you enjoy the slide show I made. It's very long cause again... I haven't posted in 7 months!! To Aunt Beth: I promise I will post at least once of month!!!! Love you all.


Mike and Beth Coleman said...

the pictures and your blog ... well I am sitting here with tears missing all of you deeply. She is too beautiful for words, her sweetness just grabs my heart. As for the tantrums.... that is good genetics!
I love you so much
sniff sniff :)
Aunt Beth
I guess you could say that you seriously shut me up on the nagging.

The Harmons said...

I am glad you enjoyed it. I figured there was no need for caption in the slideshow!!! I had tears making it cause it makes me so sad to know she is growing so fast!! At least we have it all on camera though so that one day we can show boyfriends :). I love you and miss you very much. I will be posting more often. Let PawPaw know I made a new post. He says he still looks at our blogs sometimes.
Love you!!

Alyssa and Mitchell said...

yeah for a new post! love the pics.

Mike and Beth Coleman said...

just had to visit again
she is so so cute.
I am so proud of you and Jeremy what a great little family.
hang on to each other especially during the times you don't want to
love you all
Aunt Beth